Coronavirus remedies that don’t work and can be harmful


Since the new coronavirus (COVID-19) began to spread, a series of hoaxes arose about supposed remedies that help combat it. However, they all lack scientific rigor.

Every day, while browsing the internet and social networks, we find a series of remedies for coronavirus (COVID-19) that promise to ‘alleviate’, ‘prevent’, or at least alleviate its symptoms. However, they are solutions that lack scientific evidence and whose use, in many cases, ends up being harmful. Why should we avoid them?

While it is true that we are going through a period of anxiety and uncertainty due to the pandemic, we cannot lose common sense and adopt desperate measures. In fact, the National Center for Complementary and Comprehensive Health warns of the risks of using alternative remedies and points out that many are not safe for consumption.

False remedies for coronavirus

Today, scientists are working on research to evaluate various therapies and vaccines to prevent and treat the new coronavirus (COVID-19). However, to date there is no conclusive evidence and it is unknown which may be effective.

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any pharmaceuticals or products of any kind as a possible treatment against this disease. Therefore, the remedies that abound in the network are nothing but hoaxes and, therefore, it is essential to be careful. Next, we detail the most widespread.

To drink alcohol

Neither alcoholic beverages nor industrial alcohol can kill the coronavirus. On the contrary, the World Health Organization warns that drinking alcohol is dangerous and increases the risk of disease. In fact, in countries like Iran, more than 200 people died from industrial alcohol poisoning.

History repeated itself in Turkey, where nearly 20 people lost their lives due to a similar situation, as well as in a remote population in Peru, where there were 17 fatalities after the consumption of adulterated alcohol as a supposed protection measure against COVID- 19 .

To drink alcohol
Far from causing any benefit compared to COVID-19, alcohol can cause poisoning and weakening of the immune system.

Hot baths

The belief that high temperatures kill the coronavirus has led to several hoaxes. One of those that has been shared as a remedy through the networks is taking baths with hot water, supposedly to eliminate the virus. The truth is that there is no evidence of this and it can lead to serious problems, such as burns to the skin .

The WHO explains that our body temperature is maintained, under normal conditions, between 36.5 ° C and 37 ° C, even after taking these showers. Thus, hot baths will not prevent COVID-19 from contracting. The most recommended preventive measure continues to be washing your hands.


Linked to the previous advice, there are those who think that sun exposure can prevent or eliminate the virus . Once again, the WHO denies and recalls that countries with hot climates have also reported cases of COVID-19. 

On the other hand, entities such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explain that excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays is harmful and is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer. Scientists link UVA radiation to connective tissue damage and melanoma.

Consuming excess water

In the list of remedies for coronaviruses that have spread the most in recent days, we find ourselves consuming water “every 15 minutes so that the throat is never dry.”

Although drinking water is important for health, its excessive consumption is not recommended. Furthermore, neither the WHO nor the health authorities consider this to help against the disease.

Consuming excess water
Water consumption is important, but overhydration can be dangerous. On the other hand, it has not been shown to help against COVID-19.

Herbal teas

Ginger, eucalyptus, lemon, chamomile … In short, many herbal teas have gained popularity as a remedy for coronavirus (COVID-19). However, until now there is no scientific evidence to support its supposed benefits and under no circumstances can they immunize against the virus.

Although remedies of this type have been studied in the past as possible adjuvants against flu symptoms, it is currently unknown how they work in cases of COVID-19.

Are there any more so-called remedies for coronavirus?

Yes. False information abounds on the internet about alleged remedies that can ‘prevent’ or ‘cure’ the new coronavirus. It is important to look for reliable sources of information, since many of the proposed ‘miracle’ solutions are really dangerous to health. In addition to those we have discussed, others include:

  • Drink colloidal silver (which is made up of silver nanoparticles).
  • Consume cocaine or other dangerous drugs.
  • Drink a little bleach diluted in water.
  • Disinfect your hands with ultraviolet lamps.
  • Spraying alcohol or chlorine on the body to kill the virus (a measure quite damaging to the skin).

For now, in case of presenting symptoms, it is best to follow the recommendations of the health authorities: wash your hands, maintain social isolation , rest, take pain relievers (such as acetaminophen) and seek medical attention only in severe cases.

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