13 Homemade beauty tips

There are more and more cosmetics, beauty products and tools that help us take care of ourselves and make ourselves more beautiful. But in the face of the advances of beauty firms, natural cosmetics are opening a gap. And there is nothing more natural than the beauty tricks that have been passed down from generation to generation .
Tricks to eliminate dark circles, show off radiant skin with ingredients from the kitchen, have a smooth mane without using a hair straightener or the most beautiful surf waves based on braids, boast of a professional manicure at home, and even get rid of the inches more than they do not allow us to fasten the dress.
Homemade beauty tricks that are not incompatible with the usual cosmetics, but that can help you in case of trouble …

1. An exfoliating face mask- Mix 6 strawberries and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the paste on your face for about 15 minutes and remove with warm water. The citric acid that strawberries have together with honey exerts a disinfecting and astringent effect, ideal for oily and blackhead skin.
2. Potato and cucumber against bags and dark circles- Both potato and cucumber work to reduce bags and dark circles and decongest the eyes. In both cases you just have to cut a couple of slices and apply them to the eyes for 20-30 minutes. The difference is evident.
3. Concealer to hide a pimple: If you get up with a grain right in the place that is most seen, the first premise is not to touch it. To hide it, use your dark circles concealer, blend well, apply compact powders and then apply makeup regularly.
4. Straight hair without iron or stylers- Your grandmother surely used the toga to straighten her hair, a method that was also used in hairdressing salons. How is it done? With damp and well detangled hair you have to put a curler on the top of the head. Then take lock by lock and roll it around the head, from right to left. When you are done, take off the curler and twist the strand as you have done with the rest of the hair. Secure it with tweezers or a turban. Leave it for at least two hours until the hair has dried.
5. Another simpler home trick than the toga so that your mane is smooth, without frizz and without using a hair straightener is to dry it upside down combing it with a wide brush. Finish drying with cold air.
6. If what you want is the opposite, wear beautiful surf waves, without using heat tools , make a braid or several … Your waves will be more defined or less, depending on how much you tighten the braid. The more you press, the more marked they will be. If what you want is to show waves from the roots of your hair, you will have to make a root braid. If you want waves from medium to ends, a simple braid works.
7. If you have dry hair , once a week, after washing, remove the moisture with a towel, apply your usual mask and wrap it in the towel, better if it is hot. Let her act for half an hour, while you eat breakfast, for example. Then you can easily comb it and you will notice that it is very smooth.
8. A homemade hair mask- two beaten egg yolks with 2-3 drops of oil. Apply to your hair from ends to ends, never at the roots. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash your hair regularly. You will get a plus of shine and softness.
9. Hairstyles to hide gray hair or roots . Hair bands and scarves are your allies to hide your roots or the gray hairs that always appear where they are most seen. You can also hide your gray hair by changing the side of your hair.
10. Reduce your cartridge cases a few centimeters with plastic film . Apply the anti-cellulite and wrap your legs or your belly with plastic wrap for 30-40 minutes. The sheet increases sweating, so you will be able to eliminate liquid and a few centimeters. An easy way to get into that tight dress that you can not button up.
11. Color for your legs without self-tanner . Mix a little of your foundation with your body moisturizer in a container and apply it on the legs. They will be hydrated and with a light color.
12. Perfect manicure . If you paint your nails at home to avoid staining the skin, you can put petroleum jelly around the nail (the fat it contains repels the enamel) or you can also get jealous and remove it later. If in spite of this your skin has been stained you can remove the enamel by gently filing around the nail or put your hands, once the enamel is dry, in hot water and you will see how it comes out easily.
13. Soft and hard feet . With the rubbing of the sandals it is normal that the heels of the feet show hardness and calluses. If you want to get up with the perfect feet, every night, take a bath with hot water and a splash of vinegar, dry them well and apply a hydrant or specific cream for the feet and sleep with socks.