10 Home remedies to prevent hair loss

Did you know that it is normal to lose between 100 and 200 hairs per a day? In case the number is higher, you can choose some natural remedies that will allow you to strengthen your hair.
Hair loss is one of the most common concerns in the population. And, despite what is believed, it is not always a symptom of disease. And it should be noted that hair loss is not the same as alopecia, the latter is a problem that affects, especially, men when they reach adulthood.
Now there is a normal hair loss on a daily basis. This means that it is normal for 100 to 200 hairs to fall out every day, as this is part of cell regeneration. Thus, it is understood that the hair is usually renewed in its entirety every 6 months.
When autumn arrives in the northern hemisphere, it is normal for hair loss to be slightly greater on a daily basis. For this reason, many people seek to take care of their hair even more during this season. Now, what is really convenient, is to nourish and strengthen hair throughout the year , to promote its growth.
Factors that affect hair loss
There are several factors that can significantly influence hair loss. This includes lifestyle habits (such as diet), rest, stress management, among others.
A diet that is poor in nutrients will not benefit the body at all, thus causing weakness in the nails, hair, etc. Hence the importance of leading a healthy and consistent lifestyle, in every sense.

Now, the way you take care of your hair is also important. In general, hair that is subjected to the heat of the dryer or the iron often, discoloration or dyeing, and even inadequate daily care products (shampoos, gels, fixatives, etc.), will be more mistreated and, therefore, , will tend to fall more.
Furthermore, family inheritance and hormonal changes can influence hair loss , therefore, when a woman gives birth or is in the menopause stage , she may experience greater hair loss than at other times.
Other reasons why hair can fall out are: the intake of certain medications, thyroid conditions, anemia , among other diseases.
Home remedies to prevent hair loss
1. Aloe vera

- The application is very simple, you just have to cut, horizontally, an aloe vera stalk and gently rub the glass just above the birth of the strands.
- Let the aloe vera gel dry on your hair for few minutes and then wash your hair with plenty of water.
- Repeat this procedure daily for good results.
2. Green tea
This drink is not only used to purify the body. Green tea provides a large number of antioxidants that can help both hair growth and strengthening, thus preventing excess hair loss.
- The application is very simple: once you make a cup of tea, let it cool down.
- At the time of showering or bathing, pour the tea over your hair, as a tonic.
- Repeat the application twice a week for good results.
- It may interest you: How to drink green tea to get the maximum benefit.
3. Almond oil
Almonds are a great source of nutrients for hair. Therefore, just by placing a few drops of the essential oil in the palm of the hand and doing circular massages on the scalp, it will be enough to stimulate hair growth. No need to rinse hair after applying.
4. Rosemary oil
Another essential oil that nourishes and strengthens hair is rosemary. As in the previous case, the oil is applied with a massage on the scalp. In this way, movement stimulates blood circulation and allows the hair follicles to become stronger. You can also add this essence to the shampoo you usually use.
5. Green cabbage

A diet that includes cabbage or cabbage can also often help strengthen hair. Moreover, it can also be used as a mask for hair loss.
You only need to take half raw cabbage, chop it and soak it for at least an hour. Once this time has elapsed, it is processed with the help of the hand blender and a little water, to convert it into a kind of paste, which will be applied to the hair as a cream bath.
6. Egg white
If your hair falls out a lot, beat four egg whites and rub them on your scalp in a circular motion. Lave it for half an hour and then rinse. To finish, wash as usual. The albumin of the egg will act to strengthen weak hair follicles and strands.
7. Onion juice
Onion is used as a remedy for wounds and for any skin problem, so it can help us if we suffer from hair loss due to a skin condition. This vegetable also contains a lot of sulfur, which improves blood circulation in the hair follicles.
- Once you extract the juice from the onion, apply it to the head and leave it to act for about 30 minutes .
- Then wash your hair as usual.
- Repeat the treatment twice a week for at least three months.
8. Beetroot

Beets have many vitamins and minerals, which strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling out.
- You can cut a beet root in half and rub it on the scalp .
- Don’t worry, the purple color will fade when you rinse half an hour later.
- Repeat 3 times a week for best results.
9. Garlic
This quintessential home remedy also has its effectiveness in treating alopecia .
- The application is similar to that of beets: split the garlic in the middle and rub very carefully on the scalp.
- Stop the treatment if it burns or your skin becomes red.
10. Olive oil
Another natural remedy to nourish and prevent hair loss is olive oil. By applying a few drops on the hair and giving a gentle massage for 15-20 minutes every other day, it will be enough to obtain good results.
Although there are thousands of treatments and products on the market that can be used to prevent or reduce hair loss, we also have at our disposal certain natural recipes that can be prepared , in a very simple way, and that are highly nutritious for the hair. Be sure to take advantage of them!